Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Department of Sudden Departure Asks: Are you a Leftovers Fiend?

Written By: Missy Ortiz

The Department of Sudden Departure is a U.S. Government organization created to distribute benefits and assist those who lost loved ones from The Sudden Departure. The department was established after The Sudden Departure in order to aid citizens who lost family or friends. A member of the Department asks benefit applicants 150 questions about the departed before dispersing any benefits. This movement is to attempt to figure out any patterns on those who vanished.

We know that Nora Durst is employed here and she has been known to ask the questions required in order to receive these benefits. We have heard her ask the questions in last season and now in season two as well. For those who pay attention, we know the type of questions that are asked to the family or friends of the departed. If the Department of Sudden Departure was to create a questionnaire to see if there are patterns of watcher withdrawals and psychological changes, in other words, if you are a Leftovers fiend...you would be asked questions such as these:

1.To the best of your knowledge…how or what made you begin watching The Leftovers?

2.To the best of your knowledge…how many times a week did you re-watch the episodes after they premiered?

3.To the best of your knowledge...can you recollect all the names of the characters on The Leftovers without hesitating?

4.To the best of your knowledge…do you own a copy of The Leftovers book by Tom Perrotta?

5.To the best of your knowledge…do you own or have you searched for a copy of the May 1972 edition of The National Geographic Magazine?

6.To the best of your knowledge…did you participate in dressing like The Guilty Remnant for Halloween or October 14th?

7.To the best of your knowledge.. do you find yourself wearing solid white clothing on Sundays, or on any other days of the week?

8.To the best of your knowledge, when you see someone wearing all white at a grocery store or anywhere, do you feel like they may be a part of the Guilty Remnant? Do you attempt to photograph them, or want to take selfies with them?

9.To the best of your knowledge…do you own any deer fixtures or ornaments?

10.To the best of your knowledge…do you have empty photograph frames displayed in your home?

11.To the best of your knowledge…when you used the last ply of paper towels on the roll and half of it stays stuck to the roll, do you think about The Departure?

12.To the best of your knowledge…do you display these Leftovers related items in your home so that yourself and others can visibly see them on a daily basis?

13.To the best of your knowledge…do you listen to The Living Reminders, Guilty Remnant, Film Schlubs, and Daley Review podcasts?

14.To the best of your knowledge…do you obsessively search for new reading material based on The Leftovers, such as The Living Reminders Blog?

15.To the best of your knowledge..do you find yourself scouring the feed on Twitter and Facebook for any sign or mention of The Leftovers?

16.To the best of your knowledge…have you recently joined any groups on social media, such as The Leftovers Group Chat on Facebook (aka The Leftovers Anonymous help group)?

17.To the best of your knowledge…have you recently become friends or have new followers on social media who are also obsessed with The Leftovers?

18.To the best of your knowledge…do you find yourself crying if you are having trouble accessing your cable or internet connection on Sunday nights?

19.To the best of your knowledge…does The Leftovers hinder you from eating, spending time with family, or interrupt your daily activities?

20.To the best of your knowledge…does anyone in your family household have to pry the remote from your hands on Sunday evenings?

21.To the best of your knowledge…do you find yourself shutting down all electronic devices, except the television prior to The Leftovers episode?

22.To the best of your knowledge…do you have to actually strap yourself in while sitting in your living room furniture during the episode of The Leftovers? Do you have to sit on the floor for safety reasons?

23.To the best of your knowledge…do you find yourself counting down until the episode premieres? IE: by the hours, minutes, seconds…?

24.To the best of your knowledge…do you have rapid heartbeat palpitations when the HBO voice-over announces, "And now, the HBO original series: The Leftovers!"?

25.To the best of your knowledge…do you find yourself making strange facial reactions and abrupt vocal sounds before, during and/or after the episode?

26.To the best of your knowledge…do you find yourself re-watching the current episode back to back to fully attempt to understand it,  or search for clues that might have been overlooked at?

27.To the best of your knowledge.. do you find yourself listening to The Leftovers Soundtrack and/or playlist religiously?

28.In your opinion…what is it about The Leftovers that has you addicted?

29.In your opinion…do you believe that we are in a better place now that The Leftovers has been a part of our lives?

30. In your opinion, do you believe that you are a fiend for The Leftovers?

Do you want more chat about The Leftovers? Get your fix by listening to The Living Reminders Podcast with detailed show discussion and amazing interviews with cast, crew, writers and directors of The Leftovers on HBO.


  1. This was so creative, and fun. I completed the whole quiz thoroughly. Thank you for taking the time to help my working Veteran's Day fun.

  2. So glad you all are liking this! It is fun isn't it?

  3. Loved this!! So freaking clever! I'm a total feind! Oddly, most of my answers were
    "Christopher Eccleston"...

    31. To the best of your knowled....



    *claps like an idiot*
    *no idea what the question was*

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